February 21, 2007 saw
over 500 friends, supporters and honored guests at our new facility. Clients, former board members, volunteers, and funders all crowded into our new building and marveled at architecture, the spaciousness, and the light. What a contrast to our old offices!

CISC pioneer Lily Woo described the agency's history and talked about what it was like 35 years ago. What a long way we have come - from a grassroots group of high school and college volunteers with a folding table and chairs, to a professional organization with nearly 50 staff and a budget of $2 million.

The construction team was especially impressed to see what an impact their work has and will have on the community over the next 60 years. Yes, that's right, 60 years. That's how long our lease is, and we plan to take advantage of the very favorable terms and stability it affords us.

Major donors like Yale Wong, pictured here with his grandmother, whom he honored with a sponsorship of our reception area, were delighted to see their spaces completed and utilized by grateful staff, clients and volunteers.
Besides a short program and entertainment by our afterschool program kids,

highlights of the day included a 30 foot long string of firecrackers, spirited lions dancing through the smoke, and of course, FOOD!
If you missed the big day, it's still not to late to come by and see for yourself. Just give Alaric a call and schedule a time to visit. You'll be amazed!
To see more photos, please visit:
http://www.chriswongstudio.com/galleries/CISC-BW/ and