Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Congrats to our students who made it to the final round of the Adobe Youth Voices Aspire Awards!
You can check out their videos following the direct URL below:

Life Challenges -

Shattered Dream -

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Photos from CISC's 40th Anniversary Friendship Dinner & Auction are here!

A big thank you to Dave Greer for donating his time and talent again this year. If you ever need a great photographer,

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Our Bidding Frenzy last night was WILD! Thanks to all our restaurant friends who made it all possible!
Check them out on Facebook:

Yesterday, we celebrated CISC's 40th anniversary. Some of the original members of CISC got together for the first time in decades. Coming from as far away as New York and Hong Kong, they toured the new offices, learned about how CISC has grown over the years, and joined other returning board members for a special VIP reception just prior to the Friendship Dinner & Auction. Check out the photos:

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Did you know that CISC has been serving the Russian immigrant community on the Eastside for the past 5 years?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Nice article in the Redmond Reporter too. Nice picture of our staff Chor Phen and Alejandra!

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Another great article about the Cultural Navigator Program just came out on BellevueKOMO's webiste. Take a look! click here

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Cultural Navigator program highlighted today by both the RedmondPatch and the BellevuePatch.

City council members from Bellevue, Redmond and Kirkland visited our two Eastside sites and learned about the services CISC provides to immigrants in Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese and the languages of India.

For more information, click here.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Internet Basics

Our friends as CenturyLink hosted an Internet Basics workshop yesterday that reached its maximum of 30 RSVPs then had 90 people show up anyway! Much scrambling, creativity and grace under pressure as staff from both organizations figured out how to accommodate the crowd. Great presentation by Stella Leong and colleagues who stayed one hour after the scheduled end time to answer questions!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Friendship Dinner 2012

Our first corporate sponsor for the 40th Anniversary Friendship Dinner & Auction is Tai Foong USA! Many thanks to owner Davy Lam for his long time and generous support as a Gold Level Sponsor!

And if you happen to see some of their products at Costco, please try them! They're sold under the Northern Chef, Northern King and Royal Asia brands. Delicious and healthy frozen seafood of the highest quality. Dine well, feel well, live well! 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Everyone Gives

On February 22, 2012, CISC will participate in a revolutionary eight-day global giving campaign spanning more than 60 countries around the world. “Everyone Gives” promises to be the most extensive and inclusive global giving event ever attempted, benefitting more than 200 non-profits around the globe.

“This is an easy way for our supporters to donate to CISC and to tell their friends and family about why CISC is important to them,” says Alaric Bien, Executive Director. Donating is simple and secure, and one hundred percent of all donations made through Everyone Gives go directly to the non-profit selected by the donor.

Participants make a small donation, as little as $5, to CISC through the Everyone Gives website at and then tap into their social networks via email, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to invite friends, co-workers, clients and family to support CISC. “I think of it as a giving tree,” explains Doug Frye, President of Colliers International and a founding sponsor of Everyone Gives. “One donation becomes five, five becomes 25 and 25 can become hundreds. And you can track your giving tree and your friends’ giving trees on the Everyone Gives website.“

Everyone Gives grew from a seed planted by the leaders at Colliers International, one of the world’s largest commercial real estate firms. The idea germinated and grew through collaboration with other like-minded organizations, seeking to create sustainable good. Joining Colliers International and CISC together with hundreds of charities around the world.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Jiao Liu Community Engagement

Yesterday, CISC hosted a viewing party for US Citizenship and Immigration Services' Jiao Liu web stream. Over 50 people attended and staff from the local USCIS office answered questions in Mandarin and Cantonese for over an hour after the web stream concluded.

A Civics and Citizenship Toolkit was awarded to the eldest student there, who was 84 years young. And everyone appreciated the opportunity to talk to USCIS in their native langauge.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


新的一年祝各位新年快樂! 希望大家有一個健康及幸福的2012年。有一好消息要與您們分享,仁人家屬照顧者計劃的工作人員成為了認證的健康舞步教師。到底什麼是「健康舞步」?

It's fun and easy!
「健康舞步」(Healthy-Steps) 是一種附有治療作用並配以輕鬆愉快音樂的簡單運動。此運動適合任何年齡的長者,不論是否行動不便或患有長期病患。此運動對整體健康均有幫助。特別是改善身體的平衡和增加身體的活動範圍。研究証明此運動有助改善癌症病人或其他長期病患者的整體健康狀況。(詳情請瀏覽以下網址﹕


For young and old alike
雖然這個舞步班在醫院及社區中心廣泛舉行,但教授的語言主要為英語及需要收費的,家屬照顧者支援計劃是唯一有合資格的健康舞步導師以中文教授!名額有限及必須預先登記。如有意參加者,請盡快致電206.624.5633 內綫4300 江嘉賢小姐及 內綫4137 林碧霞小姐登記預留位置。

Friday, February 10, 2012

We Start 'Em Young!

Our youngest walkathon fundraiser this year is 6 year old Alvin, shown here with his parents Hoi Cheung and Janice. Mom works at CISC as an Elderly Information and Assistance Specialist in Seattle and on the Eastside. We're all very proud of Alvin and all he has done to help other kids and families making the transition to a new life in America. Thanks Alvin!!

Monday, February 06, 2012

Happy Year of the Dragon!

A beautiful day, a great turn out, fun, food and prizes! Thanks to all who came out to support CISC!