CISC office manager and HR coordinator, Nelson Tang, was out in the neighborhood procuring advertisements for the Friendship Dinner and Auction program book (June 7 - mark your calendars!) when he saw a car speeding down the street.

Nelson was knocked to the ground, but saved the baby from being crushed. The stroller was damaged, but fortunately, no one was seriously hurt.
The driver of the car, a 16 year old with no license, was still talking to the police when the car's owner arrived and the ambulance took Nelson to the hospital for evaluation.
Thank goodness for quick reactions and quick thinking. Just remember, the next time it could be you!
This is Nelson. Thanks for Alaric puts me at our Blog as I'm a hero!! I'm fine, just both of my hands & shoulders, low back, and hips still quite painful. Tylenol is my best friend right now. I'm busy to get treatment from my doctors and advice from a lawyer in these few days. I believe that I can back to work on next Monday and continue to ask our community to support our Friendship Dinner at June 7 (Sat), 2008.
Thanks again for everyone who called & asked my health condition. And also thanks for Alaric, Andes, Karia, and, Kevin came to the hospital when I was in ER at that day.
Hi Nelson:
I am glad that you are better! CISC cannot do without all of our very capable staff.
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